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Tamira Hamden
Jun 20, 20247 min read
Branding in a matriarchy – is there such a thing as ethical advertising?
Can the future of branding be more inclusive, more collaborative, and make women feel less like crap at every turn?
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Victoria Montgomery
Jun 12, 20243 min read
The benefits of bringing your whole self to brand work
Harnessing our emotional intelligence superpowers is pivotal for brand work, but we also have to look after our whole self to thrive.
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Katrina Fairhurst
May 6, 20245 min read
PMDD and the workplace: can honesty and authenticity pave the way to inclusivity?
Can authenticity help us to promote inclusivity within the brand industry?
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Victoria Montgomery
Apr 2, 20244 min read
Inclusivity in brand leadership: "When you are young they assume you know nothing"
Examining why the unique qualities and expertise that young women bring to business should be recognised, fostered, and rewarded.
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